crystal1.txt I don't want to sound like a pervert but I've been having an affair with a young girl for about a year now, and, what's best, it doesn't look like I'll ever have any problems with it. You see, my little friend Crystal, who just turned 13, has one helluva guardian, Becky - Crystal's 22 year old sister, who knows all about it. Best part is, Becky loves to join in with us. And, for those of you who think we're taking advantage of the kid, Crystal is the one who initiated things with me! I've known the little kid since she was born and, in fact, my ex-wife and I used to babysit her. Crystal's daddy died when she was only three and, since then, we've been best buddies. I could never even go out in the yard without little Crystal running over to me and jumping on me. Life was great, she was like a daughter to me. Then, just over a year ago, Crystal's mother was killed in a car accident and Crystal grew even more closely attached to me. While her sister had been given legal custody of her, Crystal spent more time at my house than she did at home. And, to be honest, neither I nor her sister minded at all. I have been divorced about three years now and really enjoy the little kid's company. Crystal's sister, Becky, is single and works odd hours so she always liked having a ready made, free, babysitter. At any rate, it was becoming impossible not to notice how little Crystal was starting to be not so little anymore. Her body was developing and by the time she was twelve, she had really started look like a "miniature-fox." Still little-girlish and thin, her breasts were starting to pronounce themselves as little bumps on her chest and her ass was filling her jeans quite nicely. One evening, I was babysitting her and we were just sitting at the table playing cards having our normal small talk. All of a sudden, out of the blue, Crystal announced that she had gone out the previous evening with a boy, into the woods in the back, and that they had made out. I sat there kind of stunned, not quite sure what to make of this. It was like a bolt out of the blue sky. She blushed and started dealing the cards. "Whoa," I said, grabbing her dealing hand. "What do you mean? Made out?" "You know," she replied with a little bit of a giggle. "Made out." She spoke in a tone that kind of implied I was a dummy for asking. "Who was the boy?" I inquired. "Never mind," she replied, giggling again. "Let's just play cards." "No," I insisted. "I want to know who it was and what exactly you two did. You're only twelve." "So," she replied, still blushing and giggling, "I've already had my period and my sister Becky says she was only thirteen when she did it the first time." "You did it?" I asked, trying to stay calm. In reality, I was anything but. I looked at the girl who suddenly was all grown up in front of me, her long blonde hair, her light blue eyes, that girlish body. Suddenly I was finding myself getting really uncomfortable and turned on. "Calm down," I mentally whispered to myself, "You're gettin' dangerous here." Crystal answered me, still giggling and now redealing the cards. "Course we didn't do it, we just made out." "Well, that's good," I replied. "You're too young to be doing that." "Am not, I just didn't like him that much." I was trying to keep my cool, but I felt my cock bulging against my pants. I shifted, trying to relieve some of the bend in it. "Why did you make out with him if you didn't like him that much then?" "Cause I like to make out, don't you?" She stared me straight in the eye. Her giggling had stopped and I became even more uncomfortable. "I'm not sure we should be even having this conversation," I told her. "Why not?" Crystal replied very casually. "Becky and I talk about sex all the time. She loves doing it." "You really shouldn't talk that way," I slightly scolded her, "You're going to give people the wrong impression." "You mean like that I want to do it with someone?" Again she was blushing and half-giggling. It was hard to even understand her. "Well, yes. You don't want to get the wrong reputation!" I reminded her. "I won't," She suddenly stopped and just stared at me. "I want you to be the first. I don't want just some boy doing it." "Crystal, if you were about six years older or I was about 15 years younger, I'd be on you like flies on honey. But hon, there's just too many years between us." I tried to be as nice as I could. I truly care for the kid and really didn't want to do anything to hurt her. "Yeah, you just don't like me because I'm ugly," she pouted and got up from the table. "That's not it at all, Crystal, it's just it's wrong for us even to be talking this way." With that, she ran from the dining room into the living room saying that I thought she was ugly and I didn't really like her. I was beside myself. This was a kid I truly loved like my own child and suddenly she was acting like I had beat her. I got up and followed her into the other room, my cock still straining against my pants. She was laying on the couch, half whimpering. I sat down beside her and started rubbing her back with my hand. "Listen hon, you mean more to me than anything in the world. Really. It's just, just that we can't be doing things that aren't right." I tried to sound as convincing as I could. Unfortunately, my mind was saying "no, no" but my cock was saying, "God damned, that ass looks nice." She rolled over and gazed up at me. "It's just that I love you and I want you to be the one. I'm gonna do it sooner or later and I want it to be with you!" I sat, dumbly, looking at her, not having a clue what to say. "Please?" The little girl's eyes looked up at me, I had never seen her like this before. Something inside of me took over and without any mental decision on my part, I found myself leaning towards her and kissing her. Her lips were the softest and sweetest I had ever tasted and somehow, I have no idea what did it to me, I found myself letting my tounge slip over her lips and explore the inside of her mouth. She moaned very softly. I came to my senses at that point and pulled away, sitting upright. "No, Crystal," I said, trying to sound convincing, "this is wrong." "No it's not," she replied. "I love you." Again I was at a loss for words. I was totally unprepared for what was going on. Softly, Crystal took my hand and placed it on her budding breast. I could feel the nipple protruding through her shirt and the slight softness of her skin. I weakly twisted the tiny nipple through her shirt and I heard another soft sound come from her body. I was beyond help by now. "Well," I said, looking at the little girl, "at least lets go into another room. We can't just sit here on the couch." With that I saw that beautiful smile of hers return to her face. Half in a daze, I stood up and lifted the fragile body in my arms. She couldn't have weighed more than 80 pounds. Without thinking about it, I walked across the room and down the hallway to the bedroom. Once inside, I closed the door and gently put her down on her feet. Again kissing her, I felt her body tense up against my and felt her arms reaching around my back holding me close. I stepped back and gently tugged up on her shirt, pulling it from her jeans. She raised her arms over her head and I slowly removed it. Her newly budding breasts were just small mounds of white capped with tiny pink nipples. From this view, the front, I could barely tell that she even had developed. I felt tender as Crystal blushed scarlet. "Hon, anytime you want to stop, you just say so, OK?" I urged her. "No, I want you to be the first," was all she replied. With that, I reached down and unfastened her belt and jeans. Tugging downward, she helped me pull them down past her knees. Her white panties tugged along with them. I gazed at her pubic area and saw that the light covering of hair was barely more than peachfuzz. Her frontal slit was clearly visible. Looking up and in her eyes, I no longer saw a young girl standing in front of me. Somehow, my mind was no longer functioning as it should and I became overwhelmed with the moment. I again picked her up and cradled her in my arms, carrying her to the bed and laying her down. I helped her get her jeans off over her feet and then lay her back. Laying nearly on top of her I started kissing those soft, sweet lips and, to my surprise, she eagerly kissed me back. "This is no ordinary child," I thought to myself. Slowly, I lowered my mouth to her neck and began nibbling lightly. I felt Crystal's body becoming moist and sweaty. Very slowly, I lowered myself to her young breasts and took a nipple in my mouth. A soft whine came from her lips as I softly sucked on the taut tip. As I did, I let my right hand slip down between her virgin legs and began to massage her from clit to anus. Slowly and gently, I let my middle finger trace her crack, stopping softly at her clit and then moving back to her ass. Each time, I tickled her asshole a little, and each time, I felt the involuntary contractions of her muscles in response. It was only a couple of minutes before she was straining upwards to meet my strokes. After a few minutes, I stopped and moved my head back to hers. I looked into her eyes and again asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?" She looked at me and said nothing but began to sit up. As I watched, her tiny fingers unbuttoned my shirt and then began to fumble with my belt. I began to move to help her but then lay back again. Undoing my belt, she unzipped my fly and started tugging on my pants. I lifted to let her slide them down over my knees and then off. My cock strained the material of my undershorts. Laying her head back down on my now bare chest, she moved her fragile hand down and under my shorts. Her cool, gentle touch on my cock almost made me come right there. I closed my eyes and felt her slide my undershorts down my legs. She then returned to laying with her head on my chest and her hand carressing my cock. After a few moments she relaxed a little and began toying with me, pressing down on the head and then watching it flex back. I was having trouble standing it. "What are you thinking?" I whispered to her. "It sure is big," she replied. I smiled, thought she couldn't see me and moved to roll her over on her back. She easily turned. I positioned myself between her legs. "Crystal, this will hurt a little bit the first time, but I'll be careful, OK?" Her eyes gazed up at me but she said nothing. I could actually see her heart pounding through her chest. The kid was terrified but wanting, and I was beyond the point of any real adult control. Slowly, I positioned my cock at her blocked opening and started rubbing it slowly up and down against her. She moved her legs wider apart to try to accomodate me. After a few moments, I felt her relax a little and pressed gently against her. I felt her grunt a little and grab hold of my back with her arms. Slowly but steadily I continued to exert pressure against her. She was tighter than anything I had ever felt before but before long, I felt her body give way a little and felt the head of my cock become enveloped. "Uhhhhhhnnnnnnnnn," I heard her moan as I continued to press. "I can't," she said, "It's too big." For the first time, I heard fear in her voice. But, as I said, I was too far gone to really control things now. Crystal began to pull away from me as I continued to press myself into her. It became a struggle of wills now, she no longer sure that she wanted this and I no longer able to stop. As I continued to press into her, her struggle continued until, with one heavy push, I felt her blocked entrance open and my cock slide halfway into her. Crystal's struggling immediately stopped and I heard the air rush out of her and she grabbed me and pulled me close to her. "It hurts," she half cried. "Please......." She stopped in mid-sentence as I partially withdrew from her. To my surprise, as I began to press back into her I felt a response as she seemed to move her hips up to meet me. Each withdrawal was, for her, a new feeling of pain, and for me, a new feeling of ecstacy. Finally I was buried completely in her. I felt hardness pressing against my cock as I stretched her young pussy to it's limit. With that, I felt myself starting to lose control. It only took a few more moments before I began to feel the familiar pre-come feeling. Quickly I began to thrust in and out of her fragile body. Slowly, she had lubricated and I was no longer dry thrusting. It only took seven or eight thrusts before I felt myself beginning to come. At the last moment, I pulled myself from her and let my come shoot down onto the sheets below her, between and onto her legs. Crystal just lay there panting for breath. I suddenly came to my senses and realized what I had just done and I got a sudden sick feeling in my stomach. Here I was, 33 years old, laying on top of a sweaty 12 year old who had just gotten laid for the first time. All kinds of thoughts ran through my mind as my big head started thinking for my little one again. Crystal moved beneath me and brought me back to the here and now. She looked up at me and smiled. "I love you," she half-whispered. With that she reached up and hugged me. "I love you too, hon," I replied. "But," I said as I rolled off her, "we have to make sure no one ever finds out about this because I could be in real trouble." "I know, I'm too young and all...." "Right," I interrupted. "I could end up going to jail forever and you wouldn't want that, right?" "I said I know," she replied. There was some anger in her voice that kind of frightened me. "I won't tell anyone. Promise." With that I drew her close to me and felt her body relax against mine. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. I felt the young girl laying next to me breathing deeply and I realized she was falling asleep. I glanced at the clock and realized that the whole episode had taken only about a half hour. We still had several hours before her sister would be home. I let Crystal lay against me until I was sure she was sleeping and then I gently untangled myself from her. Getting up from the bed, I looked down at the sleeping girl. "She's gonna be gorgeous," I thought to myself. Looking down, I saw the spreading wetness from my come and just above it a smear of red where Crystal had bled for the first time. I threw a cover over her and got dressed. I guess I must have dozed off watching TV because the next thing I knew Crystal was standing next to me, her clothes on and her hair brushed. "Wake up, sleepyhead," she said as she nudged me. "I'm not the one who fell asleep first kiddo," I replied smiling. Crystal just stood there looking down at me and smiling. "I love you," she again half-whispered. I reached up and pulled her into my lap, where she fell giggling.